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Community Health Program Chief

Class Specifications – H.65
Community Health Program Chief – 9320
Community Health Program Assistant Chief – 9321

December, 1978

Series Concept

Community Health Program Chiefs managea variety of conmunity health programs in communityservice and/or health care delivery units typically requiring a thorough knowledgeof the specialized heal.th care methods to be provided and the administrative techniques required to deliver the services or programs to a designated conmunity; and perform other related duties as required.

Incumbents plan, organize, coordinate and evaluate the activities of induction units, treatment units, and/or group therapy units in inpatient, outpatient, halfway houses, communitycenters or residential settings; plan, organize,coordinate and evaluate programs developed according to the objectives and guidanceof Regional Medical P rograms or equivalent conmunity service groups; and direct and supervise professional, administrative, and related health care personnel. Incumbents may prepare recommendationsfor program revisions and/or policy changes; may assist in or arrange for funding negotiations and/or grant applications for a variety of communityhealth care programs; may review and/or administer budqets and contracts; and mayestablish and maintain cooperatfve relationships with educational and health facilities, professional associations, voluntaryand public agencies or community groups.

The series consists of UNO levels based on varying degrees of management responsibility, specific technical knowledgeof communityhealth manpower or individual health care needs, and the degree of involvement in the conmunity.

Class Concepts

CommunityHealth Program Chief

Under general direction, incunbents managea broad corrmunityhealth service program comprised of a variety of units as outlined in the Series Concept, typically with final responsibility for planninq, directing and supervising special community health program activities which may include Regional Medicarl Program activities. Incumbents may act as liaison between the University and various governmental and private agencies and groups; may conduct seminars and give lectures to corrmunitygroups and mayconsult with faculty membersduring the developJTEntand implementation of community health service programs.

Community Health Program Assistant Chief

Under general direction, incumbents serve as principal assistants to Comnunity Health Program Chiefs. In addition incumbents mayperform the range of duties outlined for CommunityHealth Program Chiefs during their absence or as delegated by-CommunityHealth ProgramChiefs during the performance of normal work assignments; and may be responsible for coordinating special functions such as training and staff development.

Minimum Qualifications

Community Health Program Chief

Graduation from college with a major in the social or health sciences and five years of experience; or an equivalent combination of education and experience; and knowledges and abilities essential to the. successful oerformance of the duti~s assi9~e~ to t~e-position.

Community Health Program Assistant Chief

Graduation from college with a ma.jar in the social or health sciences and four years of experi:~nce; or an equivalent combina~j”onof education and experience; and knowledqes and abilities essential to the successful performance of the duties assi~ned to the position.