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Class Specification – H.40
Podiatrist – 9225

February, 1977

Class Concept

Under general direction, Podiatrists examine the feet of patients and the muscles and tendons of the leg governing the functions of the foot; give instructions in the proper care of the feet; diagnose and treat foot ailments; and perform other related podiatric duties as required.

Podiatrists examine the feet of patients; diagnose and treat foot ailments, including corns, bunions, ingrown toenails and infections, such as athlete’s foot, prescribe foot gear and mechanical appliances for the relief of conditions causing foot ailments; administer medical treatment; perform or assist in the performance of surgical operations, including the pre-and post-operative care of patients; and keep appropri~te medical records and case histories.

Minimum Qualifications

Possession of a valid license issued by the California Board of Medical Quality Assurance to practice pediatric medicine; one year of practice exclusive of clinical training; and knowledges and abilities essential to the successful performance of the duties assigned to the position.