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Class Specifications – H.45
Senior Orthoptist – 8982
Orthoptist – 8983

June, 1976

Series Concept

Orthoptists perform orthoptic and pleoptic evaluations and treatments on patients referred by ophthalmologists; and perform other related duties as required.

Class Concept

Senior Orthoptist

Under direction, incumbents plan and coordinate the activities of an orthoptic clinic. In addition to performing duties of an Orthoptist, incumbents plan and carry out the practical and theoretical training of students in the Curriculum in Orthoptic Technology, supplemented by staff seminars and lectures; set up and review reading assignments; supervise clinical practice; and develop and administer tests.

Incumbents give group demonstrations and individual conference instructions to residents in ophthalmology in both theory and technique of orthoptics and ~leoptics assist, train and give demonstrations to students, nurses and visiting ophthalmologists; answer inquiries from physicians and parents outside the Medical Center regarding new techniques, home exercises, etc.; and supervise an Orthoptist.

Senior Orthoptist positions are distinguished from Orthoptist positions in that incumbents plan and coordinate the daily operations of an Orthoptic clinic, including administrative supervision of an Orthoptist, and the training of students under the Curriculum in Orthoptic Technology. Normally incumbents perform or supervise the full range of patient services.


Under general supervision, incumbents perform evaluations and treatments for neuro-muscular abnormalities of the eyes; exercise judgment in seeking consultation from the Senior Orthoptist on unusual or difficult cases; and work closely with children and parents during the entire course of treatment.

Specifically, Orthoptists use specially designed instruments for diagnosis of neuro-muscular abnormalities and for training to restore both monocular and binocular function whenever possible; determine the types of tests to be given, and the frequency and duration of the training; evaluate test results; outline courses of .home training to be given by parents; evaluate the effectiveness of home training; report the results of tests and training to referring ophthalmologists, and consult with them regarding the course of treatment; assist with instruction of student orthoptic technicians; and perform clerical work as needed in making appointments, keeping case records, and maintaining fee arrangements.

Minimum Qualifications

Senior Orthoptist

Graduation from college with a baccalaureate degree, two years of training or experience in orthoptic techniques, certification as an Orthoptist by the American Orthoptic Council, and one year of experience as a Certified Orthoptist; or an equivalent combination of education and experience; and knowledges and abilities essential to the successful performance of the duties assigned to the position.


Graduation from college with a baccalaureate degree, two years of training or experience in orthoptic techniques, and certification as an Orthoptist by the American Orthoptic Council; or an equivalent combination of education and experience; and knowledges and abilities essential to the successful performance of the duties assigned to the position.