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Laundry Truck Driver

Class Specification – G.55
Laundry Truck Driver – 8535

May, 1976

Class Concept

Under supervision Laundry Truck Drivers pick uo and deliver laundry and linen supplies on specified routes; operate standard or automatic transmission laundry trucks between a University hospital laundry and established locatinns in accordance with oredetermined schedules; load and unload carts and bundles of laundry; and perform other related duties as required.

Positions in the class are distinguished from other oositions involvinn the ooeration of trucks or motor vehicles by the nature of the material transported, the restriction to fixed locations for pickup and delivery, and the adherence to fixed time schedules.

Minimum Qualifications

Ability to read, write and perform arithmetic calculations, and one year of experience in the operation of laundry trucks; or an eauivalent combination of education and experience; and knowledqes and abilities essential to the successful performance of the duties assigned to the position. Must have a valid California Department of Motor Vehicles Driver’s License for the class of vehicle to be operated. Must have no license restrictions other than for corrective lenses.