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Public Information Representative

Class Specifications – D.10
Senior Public Information Representative – 7671
Public Information Representative – 7672

May, 1972

Series Concept

Public Information Representatives perform or supervise public information liaison and writing duties as the public representative for a broad area of a campus or Universitywide public information program; and perform other related duties as required.

Public Information Representatives establish and maintain liaison with press and broadcasting media, for the purpose of reporting and publicizing administrative and academic information, technical or scientific advancements, cultural and scholastic events and other University activities; advise administrative, academic, and professional research personnel on policies and practices for disseminating public information; prepare technical material for release, using judgment as to whether the material is newsworthy and complies with University policy and the policy requirements of outside agencies; prepare news releases, magazine articles, radio/T.V. scripts, and speeches; plan, write, and edit manuscripts for publication; and may supervise other professional or sub-professional personnel in the public information activities of a campus or a major teaching and/or research organization.

Class Concepts

Senior Public Information Representative

Under general direction, incumbents perform highly difficult and responsible work (1) in the selection, dissemination, and interpretation of news and/or feature materials, and of materials that inform the public as to the availability of programs and/or (2) in the writing and editing of reports, articles, speeches, monographs, and grant applications for major teaching and/or research organizations.

Examples of assignments allocated to this level of difficulty and responsibility are:

Public Information Representative in a campus Office of Public Affairs, with responsibility for the campuswide television news film and radio tape service programs for statewide distribution, in addition to an assignment of a broad segment of the campus information program.

Public Information Representative in charge of the campus Office of Public Information or a large Extension Publicity Program where the program efforts require two or three full-time professional staff members in addition to clerical staff; or assistant manager of a campus Public Information Office in a larger staff, where the magnitude of the program and effort requires substantial sharing of the managerial responsibilities.

Public information Representative for a broad segment of campus departments and activities with responsibility for maintaining liaison with University staff and with news media, based on technical knowledge and an understanding of advanced teaching and/or research efforts.

The Senior Public Information Representative is most often a supervisory position responsible for training and reviewing the work of writers at a lower level and/or communications production personnel. Nonsupervisory Senior Public Information Representative positions can be distinguished from the Public Information Representative positions by the amount of supervision received and the incumbent’s recognized expertise in a particular discipline or area.

Public Information Representative

Under direction, incumbents perform difficult professional activities, as described in the Series Concept. They are expected to carry a major assignment within the campus or other information program, with the full range of duties suggested. The assignment requires sensitivity to University policies and high degree of skill in handling of news media inquiries.

Minimum Qualifications

Senior Public Information Representative

Graduation from college with a major in journalism, communications, or an allied field, or in a subject area related to the public information and writing specialty, and professional writing ability demonstrated by at least four years of professional writing for newspapers, magazines, radio, or T.V.; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.

Public Information Representative

Graduation from college with a major in journalism, communications, or an allied field, or in a subject area related to the public information and writing specialty, and professional writing ability, demonstrated by, at least three years of professional writing experience for newspapers, magazines, radio, or T.V.; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.