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Getting married
Getting married
Congratulations on your wedding! Once the ceremony and celebrations are over, you’ll want to address some issues related to your benefits and personal information.
Enroll your spouse in benefits.
You have 31 days from the date of your marriage to make certain benefits changes — add your spouse to your coverage (or yourself to your spouse’s coverage), change Flexible Spending Account deductions, enroll your spouse in life insurance, etc.
Remember, if your spouse also works at UC, you can be covered under your UC benefits or your spouse’s, but not both. If you decide to cover both of you under your benefits, be sure your spouse disenrolls from their benefits.
If you drop your UC medical coverage to go on your spouse’s plan and your spouse loses his or her job, you can re-enroll in UC coverage within 31 days of losing your spouse’s coverage.
You can make this change through your online UCPath account.
Consider changing your tax withholdings.
It’s a fact that getting married will affect the amount of taxes you pay. The primary determining factor of your tax status is whether you are a one- or two-income couple. You may wish to consult a financial counselor to discuss your situation. If you decide to change your tax withholdings, you can do so through UCPath.
Update your beneficiaries.
You can change your beneficiaries online. Change your UC Retirement Plan and insurance plan beneficiaries on UC Retirement At Your Service (UCRAYS). Change your Retirement Savings Program beneficiaries on the My UC Retirement website.
Update your records with any other changes.
If you change your name, first contact the Social Security Administration to make the change. Then, be sure the name on your payroll record matches the name registered with the Social Security Administration. Contact your local payroll office to make any name change. You can change your address on UCPath.