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Airport Services Worker

Class Specifications – G.55
Airport Services Supervisor – 8452
Airport Services Worker – 8453
Airport Serviees Helper – 8454

May, 1973

Series Concept

Airport Services Workers perform or supervise a variety of tasks involving the security and operations functions of a campus airport; and perform other related duties as required .

Incumbents are typically operating personnel who perform or supervise the implementation of operating standards and procedures; inspect airport facilities such as buildings, roads, runways, taxi strips, lighting and drainage ditches to insure safety of airport grounds; operate air-ground radio, and give landing instructions; move aircraft in and out of hangars, chock the wheels, and tie aircraft; enforce Federal, State and local rules and regulations governing airport use; and perfonn or supervise the servicing of all incoming and departing aircraft.

The class concepts for the Airport Services Worker series reflect three leveis of difficulty in the operation, administration and supervision of a campus airport. Airport Services Supervisor is the supervisory level; Airport Services Worker is the operational level; and Airport Services Helper is the entry level.

Class Concepts

Airport Services Supervisor

Under general supervision, incumbents plan and coordinate the daily physical operations of the airport facility as outlined in the Series Concept, including hiring, supervision and train~ng of Airport Services Workers and Helpers; maintain and direct the security of all physical facilities; determine the need for and recommend new construction or alterations of buildings and facilities; prepare budget input data, control inventory; and supervise account ing procedures; advise the Campus Advisory Committee and local administration on all airport activities; work with governmental agencies to insure that University policies conform with existing governmental rules and regulations related to airport operations; and maintain customer and vendor relations.

The Airport Services Supervisor is distinguished from the Airport Services Worker in that incumbents typically exercise considerable judgment and initia tive in the daily supervision, administration and physical operations of the airport facility.

Airport Services Worker

Under supervision, incumbents perform the more difficult functions of meeting, servicing and dispatching aircraft, such as operating an air-ground radio; giving landing instructions; and maintaining the hangar areas, runways and runway lights. Airport Services Workers may act in the absence of the Supervisor, but do not have the full-time supervisory or administrative responsibilities required of the Airport Services Supervisor.

Incumbents also typically meet incoming and dispatch parting aircraft; direct (pilots in parking aircraft, and tie aircraft down; service aircraft; move aircraft in and out of h~ngars; and maintai~ gasoline inventory.

Airport Services Helper

Under supervision and on a part-time temporary basis, incumbents perform a variety of Airport Services worker difficulty. This class is distinguished from.the class of ort Services Worker by the absence of continuing responsibility for a variety of functions.

Minimum Qualifications

Airport Services Supervisor

Graduation from high school and two years of experience in the operation of airport facilities; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Must possess a valid Restricted Radio Telephone Operator Permit.

Airport Services Worker

Graduation from high school and experience with radio communication and the servicing of aircraft; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Must possess a valid Restricted Radio Telephone Operator Permit.

Airport Services Helper

Graduation from high school and experience with radio corranunication; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.