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Recreational Program Instructor

Recreational Program Instructor (4011)

Class Specification – A.10

October, 1979

Series Concept

Same as class concepts.

Class Concepts

Under direction, Recreational Program Instructors plan, organize, and conduct
a variety of non-credit recreational activity classes and/or workshops for
students, faculty and staff and perform other related duties as required.

Incumbents prepare course outlines and lesson plans for assigned sessions
outlining progression of lectures, demonstrations, and the extent of enrollee
participation in various recreational activities. Classes include but are not
limited to such activities as arts, crafts, sports, and specialized skills
such as cooking, bridge, and photography.

The class is distinguished from classes in the Recreation Supervisor series
on the basis of responsibility for planning and conducting a specific
activity class or workshop on a short-term intermittent basis.

Minimum Qualifications

Possession of the professional level of expertise in the activity to be
conducted and demonstrated teaching ability; or an equivalent combination of
education and experience; and skills, knowledge, and abilities essential to
the successful performance of the duties assigned to the position.