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Electronics Technician Supervisor

Class Specifications – G.15 
Senior Electronics Technician Supervisor – 8299
Electronics Technician Supervisor – 8300

January, 1981

Series Concept

Electronics Technician Supervisors plan, organize and direct the operations of an electronics shop; supervise the work of electronics technicians in calibration, maintenance, troubleshooting, repair, design modification and/or development of complex electronic equipment; design, construct, evaluate and/or modify electronics equipment; write reports and document work performed; approve expenditures of funds; purchase equipment and supplies; maintain personnel and overtime records; initiate cost analysis records such as inventory reports and budget requirements; determine electronics maintenance programs requirements; are assigned responsibility for the equipment, facilities, and safety in electronics teaching and research laboratories; and perform other related duties as required.

Class Concepts

Senior Electronics Technician Supervisor

Under general direction, incumbents perform the full range of duties outlined in the series concept for a large electronics shop typically having a staff totaling about ten full-time-equivalent employees, including at least 3 FTE at or above the Principal Electronics Technician level.

Electronics Technician Supervisor

Under direction, incumbents perform the full range of duties outlined in the series concept for a large electronics shop typically having a staff totaling about five full-time-equivalent employees, including at least 1 FTE at or above the Principal Electronics Technician level.

Minimum Qualifications

Incumbents of positions included in the Electronics Technician Supervisor series are expected to have the ability to supervise the performance of technical tasks in research, troubleshooting, or electronic circuitry construction, and to possess the skills, knowledges, and abilities essential to the successful performance of the duties assigned to the position.

Note: Specific minimum qualification requirements are defined for positions by the appropriate user departments, with the assistance of the Personnel Manager.