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Administrative Assistant

Administrative Assistant I – 4714
Administrative Assistant II – 4713
Administrative Assistant III – 4712

October, 1975

Level III

Administrative Assistant I

Under supervision of a department head, serves as the key clerical position in a small unit; is responsible for selecting or devising systems and procedures necessary to all unit activities; sets up and maintains appropriate records; executes all standard transactions related to fiscal, personnel and business service affairs; and is involved in a variety of clerical functions.

Administrative Assistant I

In a Student Housing Office, has responsibility for listings and relations with persons listing housing for rental; explains housing office policies, procedures and responsibilities to landlords, tenants and students; resolves minor disputes between tenants and landlords; and coordinates with landlords inspection of rental units for University housing approval.

Administrative Assistant I

Under general supervision independently handles a domestic visitor program; schedules all group and individual tours; hires and trains tour guides; and provides a general information source for all domestic visitors to campus.

Administrative Assistant I

Under supervision of an academician or higher level administrative assistant, is responsible for coordinating a variety of phases in a teaching program or course~ involving several divisions or departments; resolves discrepancies in schedules among participants and in physical arrangements, with appropriate academic and administrative offices; arranges for securing or typing (and distributing where appropriate) necessary teaching materials (syllabi, visual aids, demonstrations) ; sends out notifications of arrangements or changes; attends grading conferences and takes selective minutes, or obtains required evaluations and factually summarizes content; and maintains all course and student records.

Level IV

Administrative Assistant II

In a humanities teaching department of moderate size and complexity and with limited grant-contract activity, supervises four Level II positions engaged in general office and typing functions and has responsibility for fiscal, personnel, and business service activities. Budget preparation and control and business services are limited in complexity by absence of programs other than teaching functions and library type research.

Administrative Assistant II

Under supervision of a higher level supervisor, has a full-time personnel assignment for a school with 254 staff employees; for both academic and staff employees, keeps records, initiates action for performance appraisals and salary increase, advises both academic and staff employees on health, life and retirement plans; understands prerequisites for academic apointments, knows basic rules and applies to individual cases; interviews all applicants referred to the school before referral to . the division, but does not eliminate applicants; conducts an informal orientation with all new employees, counsels with employees having problems, referring more difficult problems to a higher level supervisor. Supervises one Senior Typist Clerk.

Administrative Assistant II

Serves as Conference Coordinator for all outside organizations requesting use of University facilities; analyzes and approves or disapproves request on basis of established policy and knowledge of University’s public relations program goals; suggests methods of operation including budgetary and program planning; makes arrangements with appropriate departments (Physical Plant, Audio Visual, Television, Parking, and Police); handles all necessary follow up; and implements program of active solicitation of certain outside groups.

Level V

Administrative Assistant III

Performs administrative support duties reporting to the Director of an ‘Institute; executes administrative policies determined by, or in conjunction with the supervisor, and prepares memoranda outlining and explaining administrative procedure and policy to subordinates; frequently represents supervisor in personal contacts, meetings, and conferences; may make decisions or commitments relating to organizational activities and procedures; relieves the supervisor of all details concerning budget, contracts and grants, purchasing, space allocation, faculty coordination, and personnel matters for the organizational unit; and supervises both the secretarial and clerical staff including several dissimilar Level III positions.

Administrative Assistant III

In an office of a Dean of a college, reviews and processes academic.personnel transactions requiring a full knowledge of University academic personnel and pay policies, justification and criteria for appointment, upgrading, and leaves; has responsibility criteria and/or pretations of for justification policy. advising departments for exceptions, on academic precedents personnel established policies, and interpretations of policy.

Administrative Assistant III

Has independent responsibility for operation of the Academic Senate Office; serves as continuing liaison between local and statewide Senate and ad hoc Committees, and resource person advising current Senate Chairman and Secretary regarding policy and procedure as outlined in the Standing Orders of The Regents, Divisional and Statewide Bylaws, and local and statewide precedent; advises chairperson of local committees as to purpose and scope of their duties; reviews committee actions for effect on other committee actions, for determination of whether decisions are appropriately based, and for conformance to bylaws; follows up if additional action is required; reports to Chairperson on budgetary and space needs of office; and supervises one Level III and one half-time Level I employee.

Administrative Assistant III

Under the general direction of the Chairperson of a very large department, supervises all clerical personnel (some at Level III) in administering all the nonlaboratory and non-research activities of the department. Incumbent’s responsibilities are confined to academic personnel matters (95 FTE); University budget preparation and expenditure control (over $1.5 million, including 80% salaries); student services; Teaching Assistant appointments; and clerical support for teaching programs. The variety and complexity of the position is limited by shared responsibilities with a Management Services Officer III who supervises all technical and research related activities, including all other funds and physical resources.