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Staff Officer

Class Specifications – F.20
Staff Officer II – 7560
Staff Officer I – 7580

March, 1973

Series Concept

Under direction, Staff Officers manage a broad administrative and service program for a very large and complex school or college; supervise a large and complex administrative service; supervise the most difficult and complex staff analysis for a campus-wide program; and perform other related duties as required.

This series is established for positions that have substantial administrative responsibilities and require professional and managerial skills, training, and experience; supervise the most difficult and complex staff analysis including the development of campus-wide policies and programs; or perform highly complex and specialized staff analysis in a chancellor’s office. Normally, there is supervision over other professional, administrative, and related personnel such as: accountants, engineers, research technicians, and staff analysts. Incumbents usually report to and serve as a principal assistant to an administrative officer in the University Management Program or to an academic administrator. Work is reviewed only in terms of meeting over-all goals and objectives.

Positions are allocated to this series by the Chancellor on the basis of substantial administrative responsibility and the role of the position to the total campus administration. It is requested that where similar programs occur on other campuses, the Chancellor consult with the appropriate rep resentative in the President’s office before action is taken.

The examples of positions or functions listed below are not intended to limit the decision of the Chancellor regarding the allocation of positions, but rather to indicate the nature and scope of administrative and staff responsibility for which these classes are established. The Staff Officer classes are established as middle management levels for a variety of admin istrative, staff, and analytical series although separate but parallel titles are established for some related series.

Administrative Services Officer for a large and complex school or college, with over-all responsibility for business, staff, and administrative services including accounting, bud.get, personnel, and purchasing; represents the dean or chairman in intra-and inter-campus policy level conferences; represents the University in negotiations, conferences, and meetings with outside agencies; and provides staff assistance to the dean or chairman in the development and implementation of policy.

Business Manager for a number of different types of service units or auxilliary enterprises, with responsibility for planning, organizing, and directing the business activities, typicallY. including the supervision of several department heads and having a total staff of 75 or more employees; exercises budgetary controls through analysis of expenditures, authorization of purchases, and issuance of supplies, services, and equipment; serves as a consultant in the business management area; and develops and implements new policies and procedures.

Assistant Campus Acco1u1ting Officer as principal assistant to the Campus Accounting Officer with responsibility for administering a major area of the campus accounting and typically including supervision over other accountants and supervising accountants.

Assistant Campus Personnel Manager for a major personnel program and is the first assistant to the Campus Personnel Manager with responsibility for administering a major area of the campus personnel program, typically including supervision over several other professional employees.

Assistant Budget Officer.for a very large budgetary ~rogram with responsibility for analysis and control of the over~all campus budget, including making or supervising the making of surveys, investigations, and analyses of departmental or campus budgetary requests; prepares instructions for budget preparations and for presentation at budget hearings.

Assistant Hospital Administrator with responsibility for directing and coordinating the activities for a variety of administrative functions and departments of a teaching hospital, including supervision of a number of department heads having a total staff of over 300 employees.

Associate Dean of Students with responsibility for planning, organizing, and directing a major area of the student personnel and activities program, normally including supervision of other Associate and Assistant Deans of Students.

Key staff specialist in the Chancellor’s Office who develops, reviews, and coordinates a major campus-wide program or activity.

Class Concepts

Staff Officer II and I

Incumbents are responsible for the most important areas of campus administration, or are Pesponsible for supervising or performing highly complex and specialized staff analysis. Positions are allocated to the II or I level on the basis of the nature and scope of responsibilities, role of the position in relation to the over-all campus management funciton, and the specialized requirements of the work.

Minimum Qualifications

Staff Officer II

Graduation from college in a related field and seven years of experience in accounting, business administration, economics, operations research, public administration, statistics, or other appropriate field; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.

Staff Officer I

Graduation from college in a related field and six years of experience in accounting, business administration, economics,operations research, public administration, statistics, or other appropriate field; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.

Note: A Master’s degree in a related field may be substituted for one year of the required experience.