Management Services Officer
Class Specifications – F.30 Management Services Officer IV – (7509)
Management Services Officer III – (7510)
Management Services Officer II – (7511)
Management Services Officer I – (7512)
April, 1975
Series Concept
The Campus Management Services Program is designed to recognize positions that are essential to the management of campus programs and activities. Persons appointed to positions in the Campus Management Services Program must have knowledge and experience in the principles, practices and trends of management.
The Campus Management Services Program includes two types of positions:
(1) Administrative Support Managers; and (2) Unit Heads.
- Administrative Support Managers provide management support to Deans, Directors, Department Chairman and Administrative Officers. They are responsible for long range planning, coordinating, organizing, staffing and supervising in the areas of budget, contract and grant administration, academic personnel administration, staff personnel administration, purchasing, expenditure control, space utilization, building and equipment security and maintenance and other services which support a teaching, research, clinical or administrative function of the campus.
- Unit Heads are responsible for the program as well as the management of a unit.
- Administrative Support Managers and Unit Heads independently exercise discretionary powers to solve managerial and/or program problems and are responsible for directing the work of others, hiring or releasing employees or recommending such actions, training, defining positions and determining methods, techniques, systems and materials required.
- Positions are excluded from the Campus Management Services Program when their compensation is based primarily on specialized professional rather than on managerial skills.
- Positions which are responsible for the resolution of problems having a short range or limited impact on the goals of the department is not included in this program.
Program levels and position titles
The Campus Management Services Program consists of four levels. The titles for the respective levels are summarized as follows:
- Level I – Management Services Officer I
- Level II – Management Services Officer II
- Level III – Management Services Officer III
- Level IV – Management Services Officer IV
Classification Factor Guides
Managerial positions are allocated to one of the four levels within the Management Services Officer series upon a relative and collective evaluation of the classification factor guides shown below: <h3>I. Accountability</h3>
This covers the impact of the unit managed upon the campus, University, or community in terms of scope of responsibility, importance, and the consequences of managerial decisions. <h3>II. Skills/Knowledge</h3>
This covers the complexity of the operation managed in terms of requirements for specialized and/or professional education, training, and experience. <h3>III. Variety</h3>
This covers both the diversity and size of the activities managed in terms of single vs. multi-function services, number and type of positions supervised, budgetary size and variation. <h3>IV. Problem Solving/Originality</h3>
This covers the stability of the operation managed in terns of stage of development, growth pattern, uniqueness, and predictability of funding sources. <h3> V. Control</h3>
This covers the extent of managerial responsibility delegated to the position in terms of authority for determining organizational structure, budget planning, staffing, and expenditure of funds. <h2>General Guidelines by Level</h2>
Incorporating segments of the specific classification factors, the general guidelines below indicate typical characteristics of positions to be found at each of the four Management Services Officer levels: <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Administrative Support Managers</th> <th>Unit Heads</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Incumbents spend the majority of their time solving long range problems and planning, organizing and directing Level I business operations in coordination(MSO I) with the Department Head or Administra-ive Officer. The unit is stable, therefore, there is no requirement for frequent deviation from standard University policies and procedures.</td> <td>Incumbents are managers of a unit which is usually concerned with one function, or if more than one function, the operation is of limited scope. This level does not require professional training in the service or function provided. Incumbents have full responsibility for business management and the substance of the program.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Incumbents are responsible for long range management problems in a depart- ment where the program is more variable and less stable than at the first level, as evidenced by a greater number and variety of employees, sources of fund- Level II ing or variety of business services (MSO II) performed. The Department Head is involved less frequently in problem solving. The incumbent informs the Department Head of major changes in pro- cedures or operational policies. Novel solutions to business management problems are occasionally required.</td> <td>Incumbents are managers of multi-function units or one-function units of broad scope. Professional training may be required in the services or functions provided, but the primary emphasis is on business management. Incumbents have full responsibility for business management and the program of the department.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Incumbents have primary responsibility for long range planning and innovative solutions to the full range of business Level III management problems, which are frequent (MSO III) because of continual program changes, unpredictable fund sources, and a wide variety of positions. There is only general direction from the Department Head in business management functions. of the department.</td> <td>Incumbents are managers of specialized multi-function units of limited scope or of units which are usually one function and which require professional or a variety of highly specialized skills in the services or functions provided. Incumbents have full responsibility for business management and the program</td> </tr> <tr> <td>This is the highest level for Admini- strative Support Management. The primary responsibility involves long range planning and innovative solutions to the full range of administrative problems, Level IV including those of a technical nature.(MSO IV) These problems are frequent because of continual program changes, a diversity of unpredictable fund sources, and a wide variety of positions. This levelrequires incumbents to possess a considerable depth of knowledge in the academic and/or technical programs in addition to business management functions, resulting in high impact in a wide variety of departmental affairs.</td> <td>This is the highest level for Unit Head Management. Incumbents are managers of professional or highly specialized, multi-function units of limited scope or one-function units of wide scope which require professional or a variety of highly specialized skills in the services or functions provided. Incumbents have full responsibility for business management and the program of the department.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h2>Program Qualifications</h2>
Candidates for positions included in the Campus Management Services Program are expected to have demonstrated knowledge and experience in the principles, practices, and trends of management.
Specific Job requirements are established for each position. <h2>Supplemental Guides to MSO Specifications</h2>
Supplemental guides are intended to be used in conjunction with Management Service Officer specifications to aid in allocation of positions to the 4 levels in the series. The guides give specific examples, outline specific factors at each level of complexity, and further clarify terms used in the specifications.
The guides outline two concepts which apply to MSO positions as follows: <ul><li>Management skills required of MSO.</li> <li>Factors inherent in MSO positions.</li></ul>
It is recognized that not all levels will apply equally to all positions. To be allocated to a particular level within the MSO series, however, it is expected that incumbents utilize all management skills (No. 1 above) required at that level. Also a majority of the factors inherent in the position (No. 2 above) should apply at that level.
These guides are a result of a group effort composed of UCI campus middle managers and analysts, and representatives of the campus Personnel Office. MSO QUESTIONNAIRE Summarize the overall goals and objectives of your departmental organization especially as they relate to the basic functions of the campus and University (1.e. teaching, research, patient care, public service, or staff support of other campus organizations. What are the primary functions of your position in relation to the achievement of these goals? LONG RANGE PLANNING 1. What is the level of your responsibility for long range planning? a. Independent development ___________________ b. Participation in development ___________________ c. Implementation of plans ___________________ d. Varies by type of specific departmental program ______________ Explain and give specific examples 2. Are you responsible for long range planning of: a. Space allocations? Yes_________ No ______ b. Space Renovations _________ ______ c. Staff and non-faculty personnel needs? _________ ______ d. Faculty personnel needs? _________ ______ e. Supply and equipment needs? _________ ______ f. Other resources? _________ ______ If YES, explain and give specific examples: 3. Are your long range plans applicable to an individual program__________, to combinations of individual programs________,or complete organizational (departmental) operations_______? Please give specific examples: 4. Explain your authority to recommend or decide between competing demands for allocation of available resources. 5. Does your long range planning directly affect operations in a. a single function/activity in our department? Yes_______No_______ b. multiple units within your department. _______ _______ c. units external to your department on campus? _______ _______ d. major segments of the campus? _______ _______ e. systemwide or non-university organizations? _______ _______ For each YES, give specific names of units affected: ORGANIZING 1. Do your responsibilities including organizing: a. Administrative (office and support) units? Yes_________No_______ b. Operational (professional, technical, or service) units? _________ _______ If YES, list the names of the units involved: 2. Do you have the responsibility to: a. change the duties of non-academic positions in your organization? Yes________No_______ b. develop the content of new additional staff positions? ________ _______ c. advise on position content or responsibilities of academic positions? ________ _______ d. reduce time of positions and/or abolish non- academic positions? ________ _______ 3. What review and prior approval is required of your organization and staffing decisions for: a. the administrative units mentioned above? b. the operational units mentioned above? 4. Do you have responsibility for the functional organization of: a. units at more than one location on campus? Yes________No________ b. units located off-campus? ________ ________ c. off-campus units that have both operational and administrative groups within the unit? ________ ________ List off-campus units by name and location: 5. Do the units for which you have organizational responsibility have special problems related to: a. multiple shift operations Yes________No______ b. predictable short term changes in workload ________ ______ c. controls imposed by organizations external to the University? ________ ______ If YES, explain with specific examples: PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 1. Provide a copy of the organization structure that is in sufficient detail to show the organizational units and personnel for whom you have direct of advisory responsibility. 2. List the number and payroll titles of all positions reporting directly to you. After each position title, show the level of responsibility for the work of other employees that you have assigned to the position. Use the following level designations. I. (Nonsupervisory) No continuing responsibility for others, but may show new employees how to perform parts of their assignments. II. (lead) Assigned responsibility to train, control workflow, solve working problems and perform other supervisory functions for a group of three or more subordinate employees. III. (supervisory) Assigned responsibility to plan, organize, and control the work of a recognized organization group of at least five other employees and the authority (within prescribed limits) to approve hiring, discipline, and recommend termination of subordinates. IV. (Managerial) A subordinate position to which you have assigned responsibilities of a scope and nature resulting in classification at the MSO or equivalent professional or analyst level. NUMBER PAYROLL TITLE LEVEL 3. List the total number, by payroll title, of all positions for which you have managerial authority. a. Direct (line) authority b. Advisory (staff) responsibilities COMPLEXITY Indicate the number of personnel in each of the following categories for whom you have either direct or advisory responsibility within your organization. Direct Advisory Responsibility Responsibility Staff employees assigned to standardized work schedules _______________ ______________ Staff employees assigned to rotating shifts, split shifts, or part-time schedules ________________ ______________ Academic (non-faculty) employees ________________ ______________ COMPLEXITY CONT. Direct Advisory Responsibility Responsibility Academic faculty ______________ ______________ Clinical faculty without pay ______________ ______________ House staff, fellows, teaching assistants, and similar appointments ______________ ______________ Others (explain by example) ______________ ______________ Are there other personnel within your department for whom you do not have direct or advisory responsibility? Yes________No__________ If Yes please explain: What are your responsibilities with respect to the development of internal procedures controlling the recruitment process, salary and classification changes, disciplinary actions, and related types of activities for the personnel of your department? Indicate the complexity of the various funding sources under your direct or advisory control. Current Type Number of Budgets Year Amount Appropriated Funds ____________ __________ Private contracts ____________ __________ Private grants ____________ __________ Government contracts ____________ __________ Government grants ____________ __________ Recharge operations ____________ __________ Generated income funds (I.E., professional fees, patient charges, etc.) ____________ __________ Endowments ____________ __________ Zero budget operations ____________ __________ Other sources ____________ __________ Are there other funds or fund sources within your department which you do not control? Yes________No_________ If Yes please explain: What are your responsibilities with respect to the internal and external procedures, reports, budgeting, rate setting and related activities for these fund sources? COORDINATION AND DECISION MAKING 1. Do you make decisions which: a. determine what should be done (policy or procedural requirements) to accomplish a specific operational activity in: your unit________ other campus departments__________? Explain and give specific examples: b. plan actual steps (detail procedures) to be taken in: your unit_________ other campus departments___________? Explain and give specific examples: 2. Do you participate in the development of operating policies of procedures that are intercampus or external to the University. Explain and give specific examples: 3. Is the information or data which form the basis for your decisions based on specific information__________or theoretical and judgmental factors__________? Explain sources and give examples: 4. What review is made and/or approval required concerning your decisions and recommendations affecting: a. your immediate unit? b. your department. c. other campus units? d. systemwide or external units. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Describe other aspects of your job which you believe are important to the classification of your position that are not covered by this questionnaire: THIS PAGE TO BE COMPLETED BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR OF THIS POSITION: 1. How would you characterize the responsibilities you have assigned to this position? (Please check the one statement that best fits.) _________Supervise and handle the "paperwork" for the department. _________Serve as advisor and consultant on administrative and business operations of the department. _________Delegated full responsibility (subject to general review) for administrative and business operations of the department excluding academic matters. _________Delegated full responsibility (subject to general review) for all administrate and business operations of the department including participation from a business standpoint in academic and faculty matters. _________Management of an organizational unit consisting of administrative and or service employees performing a general or campuswide function and having a separate operating budget. _________Management of an organization consisting of several distinct units each performing a different function but sharing a common operating budget. _________Management of a group of organizations each headed by a subordinate Manager who has personnel and budget control of their unit. 2. What impact has the present incumbent had on the duties and responsibilities you have assigned to the position? CERTIFICATE OF THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR: I have reviewed this description and certify as to its accuracy, with any exceptions as noted. </body>