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Class Specifications – D.15
Head Usher – 6272
Senior Usher – 6273
Usher – 6274

January, 1974

Series Concept

Ushers direct and assist patrons at campus sporting and fine arts events; and perform other related duties as required.

Incumbents typically control and authorize the entrance and exit of persons at entertainment events; calm disturbances in line; determine type of seat purchased; distribute programs; direct patrons to the area of seat location; distribute re-entry authorizations to persons during performances or intermissions; count ticket stubs; and attempt to maintain order in emergencies such as fights, fires and disturbances caused by ill or dissatisfied patrons.

Classes in the Usher series are distinguished by intermittent, individual “perevent” responsibilities, as contrasted to continuing responsibilities.

Class Concepts

Head Usher

Under supervision incumbents coordinate activities of Senior Ushers and Ushers at entertainment events. Incumbents assign work stations to Ushers and Senior Ushers, explain their duties and correct their performance as necessary.

Senior Usher

Under supervision incumbents follow directions of Head Usher at entertainment events; greet patrons for admission authorization using the prescribed manner of scanning and validating tickets; count ticket stubs; close and open admission doors; calm disturbances in line; and distribute re-entry authorizations to patrons during performances or intermissions.


Under close superv1s1on incumbents follow directions of Head Usher at entertainment events. Incumbents assist patrons in finding seats, searching for lost articles, and direct patrons to such locations as restrooms and telephones.

Minimum Qualifications

Head Usher

Graduation from high school or a demonstrated ability to read and to performthe duties of a Senior Usher; and demonstrated ability to supervise.

Senior Usher

Graduation from high school or demonstrated ability to read and to perform the duties of a Senior Usher.


Graduation from high school or a demonstrated ability to read and to perform the duties of an Usher.