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Gift Shop Manager

Class Specification – B.30
Gift Shop Manager – 7497

October, 1978

Class Concept

Under direction, Gift Shop Managers are assigned responsibility for managing the operations of a campus gift shop; and perform other related duties as required. Incumbents typically determine specific standard and non-standard items to be sold; order items from selected distributors; establish sale prices that are competitive with local prices; supervise the receipt, storage, and inventory of all sale merchandise; establish and supervise stock control procedures; establish bookkeeping and accounting procedures as required for control purposes; determine staffing needs; hire, train, and supervise. employees in a gift shop operation; and work closely with faculty, student, staff nnd general public personnel to develop and maintain a viable gift shop operation.

Minimum Qualifications

Two years of college and three years of experience in a gift shop operation, including at least one year in a supervisory capacity; or an equivalent combination of education and experience; and knowledges and abilities essential to the successful performance of the duties assigned to the position.