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Athletic Trainer

Class Specifications – A.10
Supervising Athletic Trainer – 9457
Athletic Trainer – 9458

June, 1976

Series Concept

Athletic Trainers assist coaches in planning the training program and in the conditioning of athletes; assist in the prevention, treatment and reduction of injuries, and in the rehabilitation of athletes who have been injured; serve in a liaison position with medical personnel; and perform other related duties as required.

The series consists of two levels. Athletic Trainer is the operational level, and Supervising Athletic Trainer is the supervisory level, This Series is distinguished from the Physical Therapist series in that incumbents are concerned with the care, prevention and recognition of injuries to athletic team members.

Class Concepts

Supervising Athletic Trainer

Under direction, incumbents supervise two or more Athletic Trainers plus associated personnel in the prevention and care of injuries to athletes participating in intercollegiate athletics. Specifically, incumbents supervise the prevention of athletic injuries by means of protective and therapeutic wrapping, with the Invention and fabrication of protective padding; supervise the care of athletic injuries through the utilization of one or more of the following physical modalities typical to physical therapy: infrared, ultra-sound, massage techniques, hydrocollator packs, cryotherapy, hydrotherapy, and electrical stimulation units; and supervise the rehabilitation of athletic injuries through the use of isotonic, isokinetic and isometric exercise programs designed in conjunction with the team physician and specialty staff.

Supervising Athletic Trainers also supervise the maintenance of athletic training facilities and equipment, the annual ordering of supplies, and the purchase of new equipment; assist the athletic equipment manager in the purchase of protective equipment relating to the medical problem of a student athlete; assist the team physician in the care and disposition of emergency situations; travel with athletic teams as required, and are assigned responsibility for the care of athletes in the absence of the team physician; assist campus hospitals in the set up and administration of physical examinations to prospective student athletes in inter- collegiate sports; and maintain permanent medical records, with medical histories and athletic injuries incurred by athletes.

Athletic Trainer

Under general supervision, incumbents assist in the prevention of athletic injuries by means of therapeutic and protective adhesive strapping and wrapping; care for athletic injuries by means of modern physical therapy equipment (hydrotherapy, electrotherapy and cryotherapy modalities), techniques and medication; and assist in the rehabilitation of athletic injuries through the use of therapeutic exercise programs. Athletic Trainers also maintain athletic training facilities and equipment, restock supplies, and prepare for daily tapings; administer first aid to athletes during practice sessions and sorting events; screen and refer injured athletes to the athletic team physician; advise and counsel athletes as to injury situations; travel with athletic teams designated by the Supervising Athletic Trainer, and are assigned responsibility for the care of athletes in the absence of the team physician; issue medical clearances to participate, signifying completion of a physical examination by a physician, and a medical history; maintain up-to-date squad lists of cleared athletes; and administer emergency first aid to physical education and recreation students in the immediate area.

Minimum Qualifications

Supervising Athletic Trainer

Certification as an Athletic Trainer with the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, and three years of experience as an Athletic Trainer; or an equivalent combination of education and experience; and knowledges and abilities essential to the successful performance of the duties assigned to the position.

Athletic Trainer

Graduation from college with a baccalaureate degree, and completion of the athletic training curriculum requirements of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association; or the completion of 1800 hours in a training quarter under the direct supervision of a certified Athletic Trainer; or graduation from college with a degree in, Physical Therapy and two years of experience in Athletic Training, as evidence of eligibility to take the certification examination for Athletic Trainer; or an equivalent combination of education and experience; and knowledges and abilities essential to the successful performance of the duties assigned to the position.